Valira 6 Cup
Replacement O-Ring / Gasket
6 Cup Stovetop Claudia Valira Espresso Maker
I need a new rubber ring piece that goes into the
Valira 6-cup porcelain stovetop espresso maker.
Do you know where I can find one?
ANSWER:You should be able to find the ring from this store: I typed in Valira gasket in the search box located in the upper right hand side of the page and it came up with several items. You could also type in Valira o-ring.
Otherwise you might want to try this solution that I found:
If the manufacturer does not supply extra gaskets, as they should, when the coffee maker is purchased, forget about trying to purchase them. Instead, bring the broken seal to a hardware store and find material to use, using the old one as a template. Most hardware stores have assorted sizes of round gasket that can be adapted.