Maxwell House
International Cafe Coffees in Decaf

Maxwell House Internationl Cafe Coffees

Maxwell House Internationl Cafe Coffees


Why don't you make your coffees in decaf? I really enjoy the french vanilla cafe international coffee, however I can not have the caffeine, I see you have sugar free/decaf...I do not like that one, leave the sugar and just do decaf.

You would have to contact Kraft Foods directly to find out why the Maxwell House international cafe coffees do not come in decaf. Here is Kraft Foods contact information:

Kraft Foods Consumer Relations
Post Office Box Y
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706

Comments for Maxwell House
International Cafe Coffees in Decaf

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Aug 01, 2011
Internatial Coffee
by: Anonymous

How come they use to carry Internatial coffes in decaf. and then they just quit. It was so good, and the one with sugar free don't taste very good and dosn't mix up very well?

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