Orange Cappuccino

by Wendy Woods
(Bellevue, WA USA)

Maxwell House International Café Orange

Maxwell House International Café Orange

Please bring back the orange cappuccino flavored of my fondest memories of my grandmother is enjoying sipping this flavor together...she has been gone for 17 years now but I think of her every time I make a cup of orange cappuccino...the other flavors are not the same...if you can't (or won't) bring back this flavor, then maybe you know the recipe so I can try to make it myself...thank you for considering this would mean so much to me if you reconsider the retirement of orange cappuccino flavored coffee.

From Randy:
It is my understanding that the General Foods International Coffee line is being replaced by the Maxwell House International Café line of instant beverages. Maxwell House has the International Café Orange. Don't know if the recipe is the same as the General Foods recipe or not. Haven't heard any feedback on the taste yet.
Maxwell House International Café Orange
9.3-Ounce Packages - Pack of 6

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May 22, 2011
Bring it back!
by: Anonymous

Our favorite for over 30 years. Maxwell took over and now we can not find Orange Cappuccino anywhere. Why mess with a good thing????? We estimate we purchased over 3000+ cans and now nothing.Maxwell lost a loyal consumer.

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